Equifax was looking for a creative way to showcase their business to business product portfolio. FUSE MG designed a unique solution to showcase the products. I took the design PSD and developed it into a parallax scrolling animated website.
As a user enters the application and begins to scroll or in the case of the video above, begins to swipe upwards on the iPad the animation begins. The user is in full control of the animation at all times as it is uniquely tied to how much the user scrolls. This is accomplished through a javascript scrolling framework that produces steps. I then take those steps and use them as key frames in another javascript framework that controls animated elements. On the iPad a third framework is used to convert the finger swipe movements into scroll movement, that are then respectively turned into steps in the animation.
This site works best on an iPad but is also made to be responsive if you maintain the aspect ratio of the site. The site is also offered in French. Offering the site in French was it’s own battle as the french language translations were longer than the English, calling for dedicated design changes just for the french size, this was accomplished by both the French and English sites being namespaced both in Javascript and in CSS to make changes respectively.